Spring has sprung? Really?

What does this new season mean to YOU and YOUR business?

With the onset of spring, comes new and predictable happenings in our natural world.  Here in the Northeast, the snowbanks get smaller, recede, and finally disappear, all the while bringing the advent of mud season – one that I’m not terribly excited to see given the fact that there are 3 big dogs residing at the Reilly homestead.  But spring also brings  new life, new growth, and the smells of spring.

Not too many days ago I was letting the dogs in or out and I was met by the undeniable fragrance of skunk. Ewww. And yet, the familiar smell is somewhat comforting.  Isn’t business quite like that.  There’s routine. There’s familiar. There’s comfort in the comfortable – and to what end? How do you know when it’s time to push. To encourage. To help people move past their preconceived limits and out of their comfort zones.

Might I suggest that this is the very season for a good cleaning – both at home, in your personal life, and at your business.  It’s the time to dust off the familiar and get ready for new growth and development. JHR Consulting is here to help you and your staff set the path.  Are you ready? Give us a call today!  315.527.5233


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