Taking time to fill yourself up

As I am writing this post, I am currently 34,000′ in the air.  Technology is a wonderful thing.  A blessing, and a curse.  Like most things, it just depends upon what you do with it.  So for now, I’ll use my powers for good!  Truly, that’s one of the things that I’d like to think that I do all the time – add good into the world, so today will be no exception.

I’m just returning home from a five day business trip.  I can’t explain to you how amazing the trip was other than bits and pieces.  Like most things, it has to be experienced to get the whole effect – but I’ll try.  This trip was for my health and wellness business.  I gathered in Phoenix with 6,000 others to learn, laugh, and share our love for making ourselves and the world in which we inhabit a better, healthier place.  Mission accomplished!

I’m not recounting the trip as a way to brag or boast, but rather to emphasize that we all need to take some time to develop ourselves, in all parts of our lives.  JHR Consulting has the privilege of working with client companies that want to move themselves to the next level – what that looks like is different for each and every one of them.  It’s our job to sit with you, talk, and most importantly – listen – to suggest, guide, and make plans to forge a path forward – together with the client.

As I am able to reflect upon my most recent trip I return with pages of thoughts, notes, and plans that will be turned into a solid action plan to propel my businesses forward.  JHR Consulting looks forward to assisting YOU in doing the same!  If but only for a few moments, pour yourself a big cup of coffee, nestle into a soft, comfy chair and let your heart and mind dream.  When you’ve filled up your pages and you’ve got your thoughts down, give us a call and we’ll help you move forward!

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